Friday 30 August 2024



The trading robot is an software designed to operate on the EUR/USD currency pair.
It is optimized for an H1 (one-hour) trading timeframe, suitable for traders looking for a balance between short-term and medium-term trading strategies.
Technical Indicators Used:

Relative Strength Index (RSI): The robot incorporates the RSI to measure the velocity and magnitude of directional price movements. It helps identify overbought or oversold conditions in the trading of an asset.
Bollinger Bands: This feature allows the robot to measure market volatility and identify overbought or oversold conditions. The bands adjust themselves based on market conditions, tightening during less volatile periods and expanding during volatile periods.
Simple Moving Average (SMA): The robot uses the SMA to smooth out price data by creating a constantly updated average price. This average is used to identify the trend direction and provide potential areas of support and resistance.
Development and Testing:

The robot has undergone extensive backtesting on historical data to ensure robust performance and risk management.
Forward testing through simulation in real-time market conditions has been conducted to validate its effectiveness before commercial release.


Gap Catcher
Read more about my products
Gap Cather- is a fully automated trading algorithm based on the GAP (price gap) trading strategy. This phenomenon does not occur often, but on some currency pairs, such as AUDNZD, it happens more often than others.

The strategy is based on the GAP pullback pattern.


 TF M1
 leverage 1:100 or higher
 minimum deposit 10 USD


 MinDistancePoints - minimum height of GAP
 PercentProfit - percentage of profit relative to GAP level
 SLPoints - fixed Stop Loss
 Lot Mode - lot selection mode
 Dynamic_Lot - dynamic lot
 Fix_Lot - fixed lot
 Magic - magic number

Be sure to write if you have any questions. I will be glad to communicate :)

Have a great day and great trading!

Screenshot #1


Enter For Me S
Enter For Me S is another variation of the original Enter For Me. This 1 has been designed for people who are not good with Technical analysis.

It will take less trades with a higher accuracy than the original. 

Do not use it on a consolidating market. 

The EA will monitor the market for you and take trades with a stop loss only when opportunities present themselves.

You have to close winning trades yourself when satisfied with profits or set the TP yourself.

This EA has been uploaded for the sake of distribution to Euporiafx Students.

It has been designed to help with entering trades during your busy schedule and not to be left to do everything for you.

It is just to assist so that you don't miss good trades. You have to manually close the trades.

This EA is revolutionary as it is designed to revolutionise how Forex trading has been done for years which has left many traders losing and hopeless. 

Join our whatsapp channel to keep in sync with other users of the Bot and to get further assistance on the Bot.

Or reachout on our Instagram or facebook page: Euporiafx

ANZ New Zealand Business Confidence

ANZ New Zealand Business Confidence
The ANZ Business Outlook Index in New Zealand surged to 50.6 in August 2024 from 27.1 in July, hitting its highest level since May 2014 after the RBNZ cut cash rate for the first time in over 4 years.
(Apr 2021 prelim.)
31 Mar 2021
(Mar 2021)
9 Mar 2021
(Mar 2021 prelim.)
25 Feb 2021
(Feb 2021)
4 Feb 2021
(Feb 2021 prelim.)
18 Dec 2020
(Dec 2020)
30 Nov 2020
(Nov 2020)

Japan Consumer Confidence Index

Japan Consumer Confidence Index 
The consumer confidence index in Japan stood at 36.7 in August 2024, unchanged from the previous month. Still, the latest figures were the highest consumer morale since April.

Spain Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Spain Consumer Price Index (CPI) y/y 
Spain's annual consumer price inflation rate likely dropped to 2.2% in August 2024, the softest since June 2023, easing from 2.8% in the prior month.

Thursday 29 August 2024

EIA United States Crude Oil Stocks Change

EIA United States Crude Oil Stocks Change
U.S. commercial crude oil inventories (excluding those in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve) decreased by 0.8 million barrels from the previous week.

Brain Storm Optimization algorithm (Part I): Clustering

1. Introduction

Brain Storm Optimization (BSO) is one of the exciting and innovative population optimization algorithms that is inspired by the natural phenomenon of brainstorming. This optimization method is an effective approach to solving complex problems using the principles of collective intelligence and collective behavior. BSO simulates the process of generating new ideas and solutions, similar to what happens in group discussions, which makes it a unique and promising tool for finding optimal solutions in various areas. In this article, we will look at the basic principles of BSO, its advantages and areas of application.

Population-based methods are an important tool for solving complex optimization problems. However, in the context of multimodal problems where multiple optimal solutions need to be found, existing approaches face limitations. This article presents a new optimization method called the brainstorming optimization method.

Existing approaches, such as niching and clustering methods, typically divide the population into subpopulations to search for multiple solutions. However, these methods suffer from the need to pre-determine the number of subpopulations, which can be challenging, especially when the number of optimal solutions is not known in advance. BSO compensates for this deficiency by transforming the target space into a space where individuals are clustered and updated based on their coordinates. Unlike existing methods that strive for one global optimum, the proposed BSO method directs the search process towards several "meaningful" solutions.

Let's take a closer look at the BSO method and its applicability to multimodal optimization problems. The brainstorming optimization (BSO) algorithm was developed by Shi et al. in 2015. It is inspired by the natural process of brainstorming, when people come together to generate and share ideas to solve a problem.

There are several variants of the algorithm, such as Hypo Variance Brain Storm Optimization, where the estimate of the object function is based on the hypo- or subvariance rather than the Gaussian variance. There are other variants, such as Global-best Brain Storm Optimization, where global best includes a re-initialization scheme triggered by the current state of the population, combined with variable-based updates and fitness-based grouping.

Each individual in the BSO algorithm represents not only a solution to the problem to be optimized, but also a data point that reveals the problem landscape. Collective intelligence and data analysis techniques can be combined to yield benefits beyond what either method could achieve alone.

2. Algorithm

The BSO algorithm works by modeling this process, where a population of candidate solutions (called "individuals" or "ideas") is iteratively updated to converge on an optimal solution. The algorithm consists of the following main stages:

1. Initialization:

- The algorithm starts by generating an initial population of individuals, where each individual represents a potential solution to the optimization problem.
- Each individual is represented by a set of solution variables that define the characteristics of the solution.

2. Brainstorming:

- At this stage, the algorithm simulates brainstorming, where individuals generate new ideas (i.e. new candidate solutions) by combining and modifying their own ideas and the ideas of other individuals.
- Brainstorming is guided by a set of rules that determine how new ideas are generated. These rules are inspired by the human brainstorming and include:
  • Random generation of new ideas
  • Combination of ideas from different individuals
  • Modification of existing ideas

3. Rating:

- Newly generated ideas (i.e. new candidate solutions) are rated using the objective function of the optimization problem.
- The target function measures the quality or fitness of each candidate solution, and the algorithm seeks to find a solution that minimizes (or maximizes) this function.

4. Selection:

- After the rating step, the algorithm selects the best individuals from the population to retain for the next iteration.
- The selection is based on the fitness values of individuals, with fitter individuals having a higher probability of being selected.

5. Completion:

- The algorithm continues to iterate through the brainstorming, rating and selection stages until a termination criterion is met, such as the maximum number of iterations or the achievement of a target solution quality.

Let's list some characteristic BSO methods and algorithm features that distinguish it from other population optimization methods:

1. Clustering. Individuals are grouped into clusters based on their similarity of location in the search space. This is implemented using the K-means clustering algorithm.
2. Convergence. At this stage, individuals within each cluster are grouped around the cluster centroid. This simulates the brainstorming phase, when participants come together to discuss ideas.
3. Divergence. At this stage, new individuals are generated. New individuals can be generated based on one or two individuals in a cluster. This process mimics the brainstorming phase, when participants begin to think outside the box and come up with new ideas.
4. Selection. After new individuals are generated, they are placed into the main parent group, after which the group is sorted. Accordingly, the next iteration will involve handling updated and improved ideas.
5. Mutation. After combining ideas and creating new ones, all newly created ideas are mutated to add additional diversity to the population and prevent premature convergence.

Let's present the logic of the BSO algorithm as pseudocode:

1. Initialization of parameters and generation of the initial population
2. Calculating the fitness of each individual in a population
3. Until the stopping criteria are met:
    4. Calculating the fitness of each individual in a population
    5. Determining the best individual in a population
    6. Splitting the population into clusters, setting the best solution in the cluster as the cluster center
    7. For each new individual in the population:
        |7.1. If the pReplace probability is met:
        |    |a new shifted center of a randomly selected cluster is generated (the cluster center is shifted)
        |7.2. If pOne probability is fulfilled:
        |    |Select a random cluster
        |    |If pOne_center probability is fulfilled:
        |    |    |7.2.a select the cluster center
        |    |Otherwise:
        |         |7.2.b select a random individual from the cluster
        |7.3 Otherwise:
        |         |Select two clusters
        |         |If the pTwo_center probability is fulfilled:
        |             |7.3.a A new individual is formed by merging two cluster centers
        |         |Otherwise:
        |             |7.3.b Create a new individual by merging positions of the selected two individuals from each selected cluster (clusters should be different)
        |7.4 Mutation: Add a random Gaussian deviation to the position of the new individual
        |7.5 If the new individual falls outside the search space, reflect it back into the search space
    8. Update the current population with new individuals
    9. Return to step 4 until the stop criterion is met
10. Return the best individual in the population as a solution
11. End of BSO operation

Let's look at the operations in step 7 of the pseudocode.

The very first operation 7.1, in fact, does not create a new individual, but shifts the center of the cluster, from which new individuals can subsequently be created in other operations of the algorithm. The displacement occurs randomly for each coordinate with a normal distribution at a distance from the original position specified in the external parameters.

Operation 7.2 selects either the cluster center or an individual in the selected cluster that will be mutated in step 7.4 to create the new individual.

Operation 7.3 is designed to create a new individual by merging either the centers of two randomly selected clusters or two individuals from these selected clusters. Clusters should be distinct, but in the case where there is only one non-empty cluster (clusters may be empty), the merge operation is performed on the two selected individuals in this single non-empty cluster. This operation is intended as an exchange of ideas between idea clusters.

The merge operation is as follows:

Xf - new individual after merging,
v - random number from 0 to 1,
X1 and X2 - two random individuals (or two cluster centers) that are to be combined.

The meaning of the merging equation is that an idea will be created at a random location between two other ideas.

The mutation operation can be described by the following equation:

Xm - new individual after mutation,
Xs - selected individual to be mutated,
n(µ, σ) - Gaussian random number with mean µ and variance σ,
ξ - mutation ratio expressed by a mathematical expression.

The mutation ratio is calculated using the equation:

gmax - maximum number of iterations,
g - current iteration number,
k - correction ratio.

This equation (mutation ratio) is used to calculate the shrinking distance between individuals in the optimization algorithm for adaptive change of the mutation parameter. The "logsig()" function provides a smooth non-linear decrease in value and multiplication by "rand" adds a stochastic element that can be useful to avoid premature convergence and maintain population diversity.

The "k" correction ratio in the Brain Storm Optimization (BSO) algorithm plays an important role in controlling the rate of change of the "ξ" ratio over time. The value of "k" may vary depending on the specific problem and data and is calculated empirically or using hyperparameter tuning methods.

In general, "k" should be chosen to provide a balance between exploration and exploitation in the algorithm. If "k" is too big, "ξ" changes very slowly, which may lead to premature convergence of the algorithm. If "k" is too small, "ξ" changes very quickly, which can lead to over-exploration of the search space and slow convergence.

The logarithmic sigmoid function, also known as the logistic function, is commonly denoted as Ïƒ(x) or sig(x). It is calculated using the following equation:

exp(-x) - denote the exponent raised to the power of -x.
1 / (1 + exp(-x)) provides an output value in the range from 0 to 1.

The figure below shows the graph of the sigmoid function. Uneven function reduction allows for exploration in early iterations and refinement in later iterations.

Below is an example code for calculating the mutation ratio along with the sigmoid function calculated using the exponential.

In this code, the function "sigmoid" calculates the sigmoid value of the input number "x" and the function "xi" calculates the value of "ξ" according to the equation above. Here "gmax" is the maximum number of iterations, "g" is the current iteration number, and "k" is the correction ratio. The MathRand function generates a random number between 0 and 32 767, so we divide it by 32 767.0 to get a random number between 0 and 1. Then we calculate the sigmoid value of this random number. This value is returned by the "xi" function.

double sigmoid(double x) 
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + MathExp(-x));

double xi(int gmax, int g, double k) 
    double randNum = MathRand() / 32767.0; // Generate a random number from 0 to 1
    return sigmoid (0.5 * (gmax - g) / k) * randNum;

3. K-means clustering method

The BSO algorithm uses K-means cluster analysis to separate ideas into distinct groups. The current set of "n" solutions for input into the iteration is divided into "m" categories in order to simulate the behavior of group discussion participants and improve the search efficiency.

We will describe a separate cluster using the S_Cluster structure, which implements the K-means algorithm and is a popular clustering method.

Let's have a look at the structure:

  • centroid[] - array representing the cluster centroid.
  • f - centroid fitness value.
  • count - number of points in the cluster.
  • ideasList[] - list of ideas.

The Init function initializes the structure by resizing the "centroid" and "ideasList" arrays and setting the initial value of "f".

struct S_Cluster
    double centroid [];  //cluster centroid
    double f;            //centroid fitness
    int    count;        //number of points in the cluster
    int    ideasList []; //list of ideas

    void Init (int coords)
      ArrayResize (centroid, coords);
      f = -DBL_MAX;
      ArrayResize (ideasList, 0, 100);

The C_BSO_KMeans class is an implementation of the K-means algorithm for clustering agents in the BSO optimization algorithm. Here is what each method does:

  1. KMeansInit - method initializes cluster centroids by selecting random agents from the data. For each cluster, a random agent is selected and its coordinates are copied to the cluster centroid.
  2. VectorDistance - the method calculates the Euclidean distance between two vectors. It takes two vectors as arguments and returns their Euclidean distance.
  3. KMeans - the method implements the basic logic of the k-means algorithm for data clustering. It takes the data and cluster arrays as arguments.
The K-means method performs the following steps during operation:
  • Assigning data points to the nearest centroid.
  • Update centroids based on the mean of the points assigned to each cluster.
  • Repeat these two steps until the centroids stop changing or the maximum number of iterations is reached.

Centroid in the K-means clustering method is a central pointer of the cluster. In the context of the K-means method, the centroid is the arithmetic mean of all data points belonging to a given cluster.
In each iteration of the K-means algorithm, the centroids are recalculated, after which the data points are again grouped into clusters according to which of the new centroids was closer according to the chosen metric.
Thus, centroids play a key role in the K-means method, determining the shape and position of clusters.

This class represents a key part of the BSO optimization algorithm, providing clustering of agents to improve the search process. The K-means algorithm iteratively assigns points to clusters and recalculates centroids until no more changes occur or the maximum number of iterations is reached.

class C_BSO_KMeans
  public: //--------------------------------------------------------------------

  void KMeansInit (S_BSO_Agent &data [], int dataSizeClust, S_Clusters &clust [])
    for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize (clust); i++)
      int ind = MathRand () % dataSizeClust;
      ArrayCopy (clust [i].centroid, data [ind].c, 0, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY);

  double VectorDistance (double &v1 [], double &v2 [])
    double distance = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize (v1); i++)
      distance += (v1 [i] - v2 [i]) * (v1 [i] - v2 [i]);
    return MathSqrt (distance);

  void KMeans (S_BSO_Agent &data [], int dataSizeClust, S_Clusters &clust [])
    bool changed   = true;
    int  nClusters = ArraySize (clust);
    int  cnt       = 0;

    while (changed && cnt < 100)
      changed = false;

      //Assigning data points to the nearest centroid
      for (int d = 0; d < dataSizeClust; d++)
        int    closest_centroid = -1;
        double closest_distance = DBL_MAX;

        if (data [d].f != -DBL_MAX)
          for (int cl = 0; cl < nClusters; cl++)
            double distance = VectorDistance (data [d].c, clust [cl].centroid);

            if (distance < closest_distance)
              closest_distance = distance;
              closest_centroid = cl;

          if (data [d].label != closest_centroid)
            data [d].label = closest_centroid;
            changed = true;
          data [d].label = -1;

      //Updating centroids
      double sum_c [];
      ArrayResize (sum_c, ArraySize (data [0].c));

      for (int cl = 0; cl < nClusters; cl++)
        ArrayInitialize (sum_c, 0.0);

        clust [cl].count = 0;
        ArrayResize (clust [cl].ideasList, 0);

        for (int d = 0; d < dataSizeClust; d++)
          if (data [d].label == cl)
            for (int k = 0; k < ArraySize (data [d].c); k++)
              sum_c [k] += data [d].c [k];

            clust [cl].count++;
            ArrayResize (clust [cl].ideasList, clust [cl].count);
            clust [cl].ideasList [clust [cl].count - 1] = d;

        if (clust [cl].count > 0)
          for (int k = 0; k < ArraySize (sum_c); k++)
            clust [cl].centroid [k] = sum_c [k] / clust [cl].count;

In the Brain Storm Optimization (BSO) algorithm, the fitness of an individual is defined as the quality of the solution it represents. In an optimization problem, the fitness can be equal to the value of the function being optimized.

The specific clustering method may vary. One common approach is to use the k-means method, where cluster centroids are initialized randomly and then iteratively updated to minimize the sum of the squared distances from each point to its cluster centroid.

Although fitness plays a key role in clustering, it is not the only factor that influences cluster formation. Other aspects, such as the distance between individuals in the decision space, may also play an important role. This helps the algorithm maintain diversity in the population and prevent premature convergence to inappropriate solutions.

The number of iterations required for the K-means algorithm to converge depends heavily on various factors, such as the initial state of the centroids, the distribution of the data, and the number of clusters. However, in general, K-means typically converges in a few tens to a few hundred iterations.

It is also worth considering that K-means minimizes the sum of squared distances from points to their closest centroids, which may not always be optimal depending on the specific task and the shape of the clusters in the data. In some cases, other clustering algorithms may be more appropriate.

K-means++ is an improved version of the K-means algorithm proposed in 2007 by David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitskii. The main difference between K-means++ and standard K-means is the way the centroids are initialized. Instead of randomly choosing initial centroids, K-means++ chooses them in such a way as to maximize the distance between them. This helps to improve the quality of clustering and speeds up the convergence of the algorithm.

Here are the main initialization steps in K-means++:

  1. Randomly select the first centroid from the data points.
  2. For each data point, calculate its distance to the nearest, previously selected centroid.
  3. Select the next centroid from the data points such that the probability of selecting a point as a centroid is directly proportional to its distance from the closest, previously selected centroid (that is, the point that has the maximum distance to the nearest centroid is most likely to be chosen as the next centroid).
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until k centroids have been selected.

After initializing the centroids, K-means++ continues to operate in the same way as the standard one. This initialization method helps to improve the quality of clustering and speeds up the convergence of the algorithm. However, this method is computationally expensive.

If you have 1000 coordinates for each point, this will create additional computational overhead for the K-means++ algorithm, since it has to calculate distances in a high-dimensional space. However, K-means++ may still be effective (experiments are needed to confirm this assumption), as it usually results in faster convergence and better cluster quality.

When working with high-dimensional data (such as 1000 coordinates), additional problems associated with the "curse of dimensionality" may arise. This can make the distances between points less meaningful and make clustering difficult. In such cases, it may be useful to use dimensionality reduction methods such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) before applying K-means or K-means++. This can help reduce the dimensionality of the data and make clustering more efficient.

Data dimensionality reduction is an important step in data processing, especially when working with a large number of coordinates or features. This helps to simplify data, reduce computational costs and improve the performance of clustering algorithms. Here are some dimensionality reduction methods that are often used in clustering:

  1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This method transforms a data set with a large number of variables into a data set with fewer variables while retaining the maximum amount of information.
  2. Multidimensional scaling (MDS). The method attempts to find a low-dimensional structure that preserves the distances between points as in the original high-dimensional space.
  3. t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE). It is a non-linear dimensionality reduction method that is particularly good for visualizing high-dimensional data.
  4. Autoencoders. These are neural networks that are used to reduce the dimensionality of data. They work by learning to encode input data into a compact representation, and then decode that representation back into the original data.
  5. Independent Component Analysis (ICA). This is a statistical method that transforms a data set into independent components that may be more informative than the original data. The components may better reflect the structure or important aspects of the data, for example, they may make some hidden factors visible or allow better separation of classes in a classification problem.
  6. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The method is used to find linear combinations of features that separate two or more classes well.

So, although K-means++ may be more computationally expensive during the initialization step, especially for high-dimensional data, it may still be worthwhile in some cases. But it is always worth experimenting and comparing different approaches to determine what works best for your particular problem and dataset.

In case you would like to experiment further with the K-means++ method, here is the initialization method for this algorithm (the rest of the code is no different from the conventional K-means code).

The code below is an implementation of the K-means++ algorithm initialization. The function takes an array of data points represented by the S_BSO_Agent structure, a data size (dataSizeClust) and an array of clusters represented by the S_Cluster structure. The method initializes the first centroid randomly from the data points. Then, for each subsequent centroid, the algorithm calculates the distance from each data point to the closest centroid and chooses the next centroid with a probability proportional to the distance. This is done by generating a random number "r" between 0 and the sum of all distances, and then looping through all the data points, decreasing "r" by the distance of each point until "r" is less than or equal to the distance of the current point. In this case, the current point is chosen as the next centroid. This process is repeated until all centroids are initialized.

Overall, K-Means++ initialization is implemented, which is an improved version of the initialization in the standard K-Means algorithm. The centroids are chosen to minimize the potential sum of squared distances between the centroids and the data points, leading to more efficient and stable clustering.

void KMeansPlusPlusInit (S_BSO_Agent &data [], int dataSizeClust, S_Cluster &clust [])
  // Choose the first centroid randomly
  int ind = MathRand () % dataSizeClust;
  ArrayCopy (clust [0].centroid, data [ind].c, 0, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY);

  for (int i = 1; i < ArraySize (clust); i++)
    double sum = 0;
    // Compute the distance from each data point to the nearest centroid
    for (int j = 0; j < dataSizeClust; j++)
      double minDist = DBL_MAX;
      for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
        double dist = VectorDistance (data [j].c, clust [k].centroid);
        if (dist < minDist)
            minDist = dist;
      data [j].minDist = minDist;
      sum += minDist;

    // Choose the next centroid with a probability proportional to the distance
    double r = MathRand () * sum;
    for (int j = 0; j < dataSizeClust; j++)
      if (r <= data [j].minDist)
        ArrayCopy (clust [i].centroid, data [j].c, 0, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY);
      r -= data [j].minDist;

To be continued...

European Central Bank (ECB) Non-Financial Corporations Loans y/y

European Central Bank (ECB) Non-Financial Corporations Loans y/y 
Loans to non-financial corporations in the Euro Area grew 0.6% from a year earlier to €5.140 trillion in July 2024, easing from a 0.7% advance in June. Loans to Private Sector in the Euro Area averaged 4387647.08 EUR Million from 2003 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 5157860 EUR Million in October of 2022 and a record low of 2994549 EUR Million in January of 2003.

Wednesday 28 August 2024


China Industrial Profit Year to Date y/y
China's industrial profits increased at a faster pace in the January to July period, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Tuesday. Industrial profits posted an increase of 3.6 percent in the first seven months of 2024. This was slightly faster than the 3.5 percent growth registered in the January to June period.


The Conference Board United States Consumer Confidence Index
The Conference Board released a report on Tuesday unexpectedly showing a modest improvement by U.S. consumer confidence in the month of August. The report said the Conference Board's consumer confidence index rose to 103.3 in August from an upwardly revised 101.9 in July.

iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator (Version 10)

What's new about iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator (Version 10)?

iVISTscalp5 is a unique nonlinear forecasting for a week ahead system for any financial instrument which executes fast scalping using time levels.

iVISTscalp5 is a tool for easy study and understanding of financial market.

1) iVISTscalp5 forecast indicator has been completely rewritten into another programming language (C++), which has accelerated data loading and processing. As a result, a different graphical display of forecasts on the chart will be easier to understand, study and work with. Mathematics and methods of calculating forecasts remained unchanged. Basic rules for using the indicator have remained the same as well. In the new version of iVISTscalp5 indicator, two types of forecast are presented on the chart: Rays and Flags. Forecast in the form of Rays is calculated for a day ahead; forecast in the form of Flags is calculated for a week ahead. The pips/points counter refers to timings (forecasts) in the form of Flags.


2) The settings of iVISTscalp5 indicator have been optimised and simplified. We recommend using iVISTscalp5 indicator by default for any financial instrument (you only need to change the first parameter "history_weeks" to number 8 for the first and the last week of the month). Our recommendation in parentheses is for more novice traders.


3) In the new version of iVISTscalp5 indicator, there are two forecasts calculated on the chart at the same time. The default is for 60 minutes and for 7 minutes. So that, from the chart in the range of 60 minutes or 7 minutes with 95% probability, you will be able to see how and at what time price will change, and what average profit can be obtained.




Description of iVISTscalp5 indicator settings

history_weeks – the number of weeks of quote history for calculating forecasts. We do not recommend setting less than 5. Values 5 and 8 work best. The values are related to the duration of options and futures contracts.

dtTimeRay – the time interval for calculating forecasts (timings).

dtTimeFlag – the time interval for calculating forecasts (timings).

on_trend – displaying the main price levels and channels (true/false).

push – the ability to use push notifications (true/false).

alert – notification in mt5 terminal (true/false).

alertTim – setting the time for push notifications and alerts (minutes).

saveForecast – the forecast for the week ahead in text form (true/false).



4) In the new version of iVISTscalp5 indicator, there are two types of forecasts presented on one chart. The first one is for fast scalping (7 minutes/ 5 weeks), as it was included in the previous version of the indicator. The second type (new) is Rays on the chart, which show the forecast of the price movement trend (60 minutes/5 weeks). Rays (forecasts) move behind the price on the chart until their time of action is suitable. Ray’s length is the average forecast of the profit of a financial instrument.


 5) Forecasts in the settings of the iVISTscalp5 indicator can be swapped. In the parameters where the Rays are, settings are for 7 minutes, and in the parameters where the Flags are, settings are for 60 minutes (or forecasts for other time intervals). You can choose your own way as it’s convenient for you.


 6) You can set a forecast for one time interval in the indicator parameters. To do this, you need to set the same time value in "dtTimeRay" and "dtTimeFlag" parameters. For example, if you want to get a forecast for a financial instrument in a time interval of 7 minutes (photo above), then the visualisation of the average profit will be in the form of a Ray. In this case on the Flag you will be able to see the forecast time (timing). With this type of parameters you can immediately determine what amount of profit you are able to get. It is very convenient for quick analysis and work.


 Photo above shows an example of the same forecast for a financial instrument with two types of visualisation (Ray and Flag). In this case "dtTimeRay" and "dtTimeFlag" parameters specify the calculation of forecasts of iVISTscalp5 indicator for the same value of the 60-minute time interval.

7) All forecasts in iVISTscalp5 indicator can be obtained in text form for a week ahead. The new version adds dates to the days of the week. So that before the upcoming trading week you already know all the forecasts in advance by time and by the average profit size. When installing the iVISTscalp5 indicator on the chart, in order to get the forecast in text form set the value "true" in front of "saveForecast" parameter. The forecast is located in "Files" folder. The path to the Folder: File→Open Data Folder→MQL5→Files→Forecast_text.


8) All spectra of forecasts (timings) are displayed on the screen. Previously, it was necessary to hover the mouse over the flag to see the forecast spectrum (timing strength). In this version of the indicator, all forecasts are displayed on a chart. Therefore, in the new version, you can see concentrated spectra of forecasts on the chart, which differ from each other by 1-2 minutes. The spectra enhance the forecast.


 9) Information on the forecasts of the iVISTscalp5 indicator can be seen if you move the mouse to Ray or Flag. The photo shows the internal information of each type of forecast in the form of a Ray (pink arrows).

1. The red color is the sell forecast. The blue color is the buy forecast.

2. The following information is indicated inside each timing in the form of a ray (forecast):

1) Buy or sell forecast.

2) Timing is the time interval for which forecasts are calculated. The photo shows 60 and 7 minutes.

3) The predicted BUY or SELL time. These are forecasts in the form of a Ray. On the forecasts in the form of Flags, you can immediately see the time.

4) The value of the price level at the moment.

5) The Ray’s length is the average profit forecast. The average profit forecast in the form of a Flag can be seen as a numeric value in pips/points if you bring the mouse to it.



Let's summarise all the updates of iVISTscalp5 indicator (Version 10)

1. iVISTscalp5 indicator is designed to calculate forecasts by time levels (timings) and get BUY or SELL forecast time. You get a forecast of the average profit which can be obtained at the time intervals specified in "dtTimeRay" and "dtTimeFlag" parameters.

2. The corresponding graph shows two types of forecasts at the same time. By default, the length of time forecasts is 7 minutes and 60 minutes. Forecasts of 60 minutes show the main trend in the movement of the instrument in a given time interval. The forecast for 7 minutes is a short forecast for fast scalping. Make sure to follow the basic rules of the forecast system!

3. We recommend using iVISTscalp5 indicator with default parameters to calculate forecasts for any financial instrument.

4. Forecasts in the form of Flags are time forecasts for the week ahead. Forecasts in the form of Rays are time forecasts for the day ahead.

5. Forecasts of iVISTscalp5 indicator for a week ahead can be obtained in text form for any financial instrument.

6. Several iVISTscalp5 indicators with different parameters can be installed on one chart. In this way you can simultaneously get four or more forecasts with different time intervals.



🌟#Timing BUY 19:06 (UTC+3)// 60min/5weeks #XAUUSD 27.08.2024 #ivistscalp5 #scalping Part 2.







Capaian Pembelajaran

Materi yang Diuji


Level Kognitif

Bentuk Soal

No. Soal


Mendeskripsikan terjadinya siklus air dan kaitannya dengan upaya menjaga ketersediaan air

Proses terjadinya siklus air

Menyebutkan salah satu proses pada siklus air


Pilihan ganda





Kegiatan yang menyebabkan gangguan siklus air

Menjelaskan kegiatan yang dapat mengganggu siklus air




Upaya menjaga ketersediaan air

Menjelaskan istilah dalam upaya menjaga siklus air


Pilihan ganda



Menjelaskan tugas, peran, dan tanggung jawab sebagai warga sekolah serta mendeskripsikan bagaimana interaksi sosial yang terjadi di sekitar tempat tinggal dan sekolah

Tugas, peran, dan tanggung jawab warga sekolah

Mengidentifikasi kegiatan yang merupakan tugas warga sekolah


Pilihan ganda


Interaksi sosial yang terjadi di sekitar tempat tinggal dan sekolah

Mengidentifikasi interaksi sosial yang terjadi di sekitar tempat tinggal dan sekolah





Mengidentifikasi ragam bentang alam dan keterkaitannya dengan profesi masyarakat

Bentang alam di Indonesia

Menyebutkan salah satu pemanfaatan dari suatu kenampakan alam


Pilihan ganda


Profesi masyarakat sesuai dengan bentang alam

Menentukan profesi yang sesuai dengan bentang alam suatu daerah


Pilihan ganda



Menunjukkan letak kota/kabupaten dan provinsi tempat tinggalnya pada peta konvensional/digital

Jenis Peta

Mengkategorikan jenis peta berdasarkan kegunaannya


Pilihan ganda


Unsur-Unsur Peta

Mengidentifikasi suatu unsur pada peta


Pilihan ganda


Menganalisis salah satu unsur peta




Membaca Peta

Mengidentifikasi nama daerah pada sebuah peta


Pilihan ganda



Mendeskripsikan keanekaragaman hayati, keragaman budaya, kearifan lokal, dan upaya pelestariannya

Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam di Indonesia

Menentukan sumber daya alam berdasarkan jenisnya


Pilihan ganda


Menganalisis kegiatan manusia terhadap sumber daya di sekitar


Pilihan ganda


Keberagaman suku dan budaya

Menentukan lagu tradisional dan daerah yang sesuai


Pilihan ganda


Keragaman SDA di daerah tempat tinggal

Menyebutkan cara menjaga keragaman sumber daya alam


Pilihan ganda


Menyebutkakekayaan alam di suatu daerah




Upaya pelestarian budaya lokal

Memecahkan permasalahan dalam upaya melestarikan budaya lokal


Pilihan ganda






Mengenal keragaman budaya, kearifan lokal, sejarah (baik tokoh maupun periodisasinya) di provinsi tempat tinggalnya serta menghubungkan dengan konteks kehidupan saat ini.

Kearifan lokal

Menjelaskan dampak positif suatu kearifan lokal


Pilihan ganda


Menyebutkan suatu kearifan lokal




Peran seorang tokoh

Menyebutkan suatu tokoh penting di Indonesia


Pilihan ganda


Sikap menghargai tokoh daerah

Menerapkan sikap menghargai peran seorang tokoh





Membedakan kebutuhan dan keinginan.

Kebutuhan manusia

Mengklasifikasikan kebutuhan manusia berdasarkan subyek


Pilihan ganda


Mengklasifikasikan kebutuhan manusia berdasarkan tingkat kepentingan







Menjelaskan perbedaan kebutuhan pada setiap manusia




Kegiatan ekonomi

Menjelaskan suatu kegiatan ekonomi




Menerapkan kegiatan ekonomi





Nilai mata uang dan manfaat uang untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari

Jenis-jenis uang

Mengidentifikasi jenis uang


Pilihan ganda


Fungsi uang

Menjelaskan fungsi uang dalam kegiatan ekonomi


Pilihan ganda





Syarat uang

Menjelaskan syarat uang


Isian singkat






Mata Pelajaran                        : Bahasa Indonesia                                                                          Jumlah Soal                : 35

Fase                                         : B                                                                                              Waktu                          : 90 menit

Kelas                                        : IV (empat)                                                                             








teks prosedur

Disajikan teks siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan kata tanya bagaimana dan mengapa dengan benar.


1, 2

Disajikan teks prosedur rumpang siswa dapat melengkapi dengan kalimat dengan benar.



Disajikan teks prosedur acak siswa dapat mengurutkan dengan benar.



Disajikan teks prosedur siswa dapat menentukan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan benar.



Siswa dapat menentukan pengertian dari teks prosedur dengan benar.



Siswa dapat menentukan jenis kalimat dalam teks posedur dengan benar.



Disajikan gambar seri siswa dapat membuat teks prosedur dengan benar.









penulisan nilai uang

Disajikan gambar siswa dapat menuliskan nilai uang dengan huruf maupun angka dengan benar.


6, 7, 8

Siswa dapat menuliskan nilai mata uang dengan huruf dengan benar.









kalimat efektif

Disajikan kalimat tidak efektif siswa dapat memperbaiki dengan benar.


9, 10







teks percakapan

Disajikan teks percakapan siswa dapat menentukan topiknya dengan benar.



Disajikan teks percakapan rumpang siswa dapat melengkapi dengan benar.



Disajikan ilustrasi siswa dapat membuat teks percakapan dengan tepat.










Disajikan ungkapan siswa dapat menentukan maknanya dengan benar.



13, 14

28, 29



Disajikan kalimat rumpang siswa dapat melengkapi dengan benar.





Disajikan dua kalimat siswa dapat menentukan konjungsi dengan benar.


16, 17








Disajikan puisi siswa dapat:

Menentukan rima dengan benar.

Menentukan kalimat yang mengandung majas dengan benar.

Makna kata dalam puisi dengan benar.



Siswa dapat menentukan pengertian rima dengan benar.



Disajikan gambar siswa dapat membuat satu bait puisi dengan tepat.




Teks wawancara

Disajikan teks wawancara siswa dapat:

Menentukan narasumber dengan benar.

Menentukan bagian-bagian teks wawancara dengan benar.


25, 26, 27


Kata tanya

Siswa dapat menentukan kata tanya dari suatu kalimat dengan benar.





Disajikan paragraf siswa dapat membuat kalimat tanya dengan benar.




Kata depan

Disajikan paragraf rumpang siswa dapat melengkapi menggunakan kata depan dengan benar.





Mexico Trade Balance n.s.a. 
Mexico recorded a trade deficit of 72 USD Million in July of 2024. Balance of Trade in Mexico averaged -296.66 USD Million from 1980 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 6274.69 USD Million in December of 2020 and a record low of -6262.32 USD Million in January of 2022.